Flexogenix Blog

Exercises to Help Ease Joint Pain

Written by The Flexogenix Team | Sep 20, 2021 4:53:32 PM

Regular exercise is considered the most effective non-drug treatment for reducing pain and improving movement if you have osteoarthritis, also called OA. That’s because exercise has many benefits for people who experience joint pain, including:

  •     Lubricates the joints
  •     Strengthens muscles around your joints
  •     Boosts your bone strength
  •     Gives you more energy
  •     Reduces insomnia and sleep problems
  •     Controls your weight
  •     Improves balance

There are several good options that gently and effectively help alleviate pain and slow down joint degeneration.



Yoga is generally a very gentle form of exercise that involves stretching, coordinated breathing, balance and slow movement. However, there are different types of yoga, so do your research and be sure to pick one that’s suited to your ability and that isn’t too rigorous. You may even be able to find a class where you can exercise while sitting down.


An elliptical machine allows you to move your joints in fluid, circular motions without putting a lot of strain on them. This is also a great way to build up your cardiovascular strength. Most ellipticals allow you to adjust the resistance and slope settings, so you can start easy and build up over time.


Swimming and water aerobics are great because the buoyancy of the water takes a lot of stress off your joints. However, you’re better off with an instructor to help you learn to move properly. If you’ve had joint surgery, check with your doctor before getting in the water to prevent a possible infection.


It’s hard to beat walking as a form of exercise. You don’t need any special equipment (except good shoes!) and you can do it practically anywhere. Walking also offers an opportunity to socialize if you find a group to do it with. However, be careful to pick a route with an even surface. Walking over rough ground can be hard on the lower body and presents a tripping hazard.


Whether you stay inside on a stationary bike or head outside into the sunshine, biking is a great form of exercise. Make sure the bike is adjusted so you don’t have to hunch over, and if you find it hurts your back or knees, you may want to consider another form of exercise or a recumbent bike, which supports your back.

Group Exercising

Participating in low-impact workouts in a group setting can help improve participation and provide accountability as well as motivation. Exercising in a group setting can help you get fit while allowing you to have a social connection. One study in the BMC Geriatrics journal revealed that adults who engaged in regular group exercise were able to improve or maintain their functional fitness and enjoy their lives more fully. Study participants felt connected with a social group and experienced the benefits of belonging to a community and supporting each other, in addition to improved physical fitness.

Body Mechanics

Although this isn’t an exercise per se, it does take some practice to make sure it’s done correctly. Making sure you’re standing and sitting tall with your shoulder blades drawn back can help protect your back and strengthen supporting muscles. When you’re sitting, your knees should be at 90° angles and no lower than your hips, with your feet flat on the ground. Whenever you have to raise any heavy object, or even a baby, bend both the hips and the knees. Don’t just bend from the waist.


Consult with a Pro

It’s always advisable to consult with a joint specialist before embarking on any exercise regime. The experts at Flexogenix® are here to help you get the most out of an active lifestyle. Because we’re dedicated to doing what’s best for you, we’ll help you strategize ways to improve your mobility, reduce your pain—and help you live your best life. Contact us today!